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Clemens Adolphs

Practical Object Oriented Design - Book Notes - Chapter 4

This is the fourth part in my review and reading notes on the Practical Object Oriented Programming book ( by Sandi Metz.

Okay now it's getting interesting: OOD is about messages more than classes.

Understanding Interfaces #

Nerd time: Think of classes as nodes in a graph, and of messages as directed edges. Good design has a sparse graph: Any given node should have a relatively low number of outgoing edges, or at least there should be small clusters of higher connectivity, with the clusters in turn being loosely connected to each other.

More nerd time: If "everybody talks to everybody else", then with N classes you will have O(N^2) edges. That is, the number of communication paths grows quadratically with the number of classes. That quickly becomes overwhelmingly complex.

Hyper-connected objects are difficult to reuse and change.

Instead, low-connected components allow easy reuse and low-consequence change.

High-density message graph is not necessarily the result of failed dependency injection or single responsibility! You can easily design an application that follows those principles while still ending up with a dense message graph.

Problems aren't with what the class does but with what it reveals. To arrive at a low-density message graph, you need to constrain which messages can pass between objects.

In some programming langauges, a class can explicitly declare its methods to be either public or private. In Python, though, all class attributes and methods are public. There is, however, a convention which states that, as a programmer, you should treat attributes and messages that start with an underscore as if they were private. That is: Don't depend on their behavior, don't depend even on their existence. With the underscore prefix, you signal to other programmers and to yourself that this message is not part of the class's public interface.

In this chapter, interface refers to the methods within a class, as opposed to the more abstract concept of interface we'll talk about in the next chapter.

Defining Interfaces #

The author gives a great example of an interface that hides complex implementation details with the restaurant kitchen analogy. Another example I can think of: The devices we use every day also have devices that hide the implementation details. I don't need to know anything at all about electronics to use a TV. I don't need to know anything about how an internal combustion engine actually works to drive a car. The interface provides me with means of telling the device what I want from it (go faster, slow down, go left, go right) without me having to bother at all how this behavior is achieved.

Public Interfaces #

Just some bullet points here.

Private Interfaces #

All other methods = private interface

Responsibilities, Dependencies, and Interfaces #

Finding the Public Interface #

Example #

Author introduces an example domain. I won't repeat that here.

Constructing an Intention #

Here author has a bit of a discussion on "test first" programming, also called TDD for Test-Driven Design. The idea of that design technique is to write unit tests first, and let the tests guide you into what code to write for your program. However, as the author argues, that often does not end well for novices to design, because if you don't know which tests to write, and how to write them, they cannot possibly guide you to a good design.

Once you have acquired good design experience and intuition, you will know which tests to write to hone in on the specific design that will work well for your given situation.

The authors calls this "having an intention about the application": To write test-first in a good way, you need to know: "I want my object to have this method, which should exhibit this behavior".

Going a step further: Before writing these tests you also need an idea about which objects you will have. Novices focus overly on the domain objects. The concrete, tangible things. The nouns of the domain, if you will. What is more important, though, is what message you intend to pass between these objects!

So before you do anything, figure out what objects and what messages you'll be dealing with.

Sequence Diagrams #

How do we sketch out what messages we're dealing with? Sequence diagrams! Subset of UML (Unified Markup Language) diagrams. I won't repeat the chapter content and diagrams here, just pointing out that there's a free Sequence Diagram Tool here:

Why are these diagrams so great? Because they force you to be clear about which messages you are going to send. That, in turn, allows you to ponder whether you're sending them from and to the right objects. And since you're only supposed to send messages that are in the public interface of classes, the diagram helps you figure out what the public interface should be.

Let's emphasize this: Instead of deciding on a class, and then figuring out what its responsibilities are, you decide on a message you want to send, and then figure out who should send it, and where to.

I'll quote:

This transition from class-based design to message-based design is a turning point in your design career. The message-based perspective yields more flexible applications than does the class-based perspective. Changing the fundamental design question from “I know I need this class, what should it do?” to “I need to send this message, who should respond to it?” is the first step in that direction.

You don’t send messages because you have objects, you have objects because you send messages.

When focusing too much on classes, we risk that our messages aren't sent to the right place.

The book then goes through a concrete example involving a bicylce trip agency and how a sequence diagram can help identify issues with the objects and messages.

Asking For "What" Instead Of Telling "How" #

One such issue is about messages that are too explicit in what exact behavior they want to see.

You want to be sending messages that tell the receiver what sort of result you want from them. You want to avoid sending messages that tell the receiver how to behave.

In the restaurant example, you tell the waiter which dish you would like. You don't tell the waiter "Please write this dish and my table number onto this note and then go put that note onto the stack of kitchen orders and then wait for the chef to make the order and then bring it to me".

The book example explains this via the bicycle mechanic class. In a first version, the trip class explicitly states all the different actions that a mechanic should take to prepare a bike. This is a case of telling "how".

A good test to see if your design falls into this trap is to imagine your classes again as people, where a message is like an order or request. Now imagine the sequence diagram as a conversation between the people. If one class feels like it's a tyrannical micro-manager toward another, you need to rethink your design!

If your messages instead focus on the high-level tasks and results you want to see, the object that sends the message needs to know much less, and the object that performs the task can have a much smaller public interface.

Seeking Context Independence #

An object's context is formed by all the things it expects to be in place and available to perform its job. Typically, this context involves what sort of messages your object expects to be able to send to other objects, with some assumptions about the behavior.

Look again at the toy example from my previous writeup, with dependency injection:

class A:
	def __init__(self, job_helper):
		self.job_helper = job_helper
	def do_your_job(self, arg1, arg2):
		intermediate_result = job.process(arg1, arg2)
		return self.some_more_processing(intermediate_result)

Here, the context of class A is "an object that understands the process(arg1, arg2) message".

Obviously, the bigger an object's context, the harder it is to use, re-use, and test the class, because you first need to create the correct context. This suggests that good design seeks to write classes that require only a small context. The best case scenario of course is a class that is context-independent.

To be context-independent means being able to cooperate with other objects without knowing who they are and what they do. Using dependency injection takes care of the who part. Rethinking the sequence of messages, and working toward simplifying the messages, takes care of the what they do part.

I like the author's example here with the Trip and the Mechanic. The key technique the example in this subsection introduces is: You can simplify (and thus potentially unify) the message you send to your collaborator by not passing in lots of arguments, but rather having a public interface that lets your collaborator ask you for those arguments themselves.

Maybe we can use the restaurant example again: Sequence Diagram for ordering a burger explicitly

Here we see a Customer ordering a burger, which needs a bit of extra info about the side dish. Sending messages like this requires having a method for each of the different things you could order in different ways. It means Customer expects in its context an object Waiter that understands all sorts of messages.

If we have our objects collaborate more, however, we can have a simpler context: Sequence Diagram for ordering a burger with less context

and we'd imagine that it's the customer's interface's job to provide methods to inquire about certain preferences, like doneness of a steak, whether Pepsi is okay, and if there's allergies.

Trusting Other Objects #

In the real world, you are only comfortable asking for the what without specifying the how if you have trust that your counterpart is capable of fulfilling that request. When writing your own classes and objects, you should always trust an object that it is capable of fulfilling its responsibility!

As the author argues, the various sequence diagrams of the section show how a programmer's understanding and use of objects improves over time:

The first stab is essentially procedural. In a purely procedural program, you have some main() routine that, in sequence, calls the various procedures (functions) it needs to get its job done. Just because you put your main into one class and all the procedures it calls into another class does not make your code truly object oriented!

In the next version, the detailed knowledge of which functions to call in what order to accomplish a given task has been moved to the correct class. The "main" class asks the helper class to achieve a specific result, but does not itself specify how that is achieved.

In the final version, the context of the main class is reduced further. The difference in the author's example between prepare_bicycle(bike) and prepare_trip() is subtle but profound. Preparing a trip, rather than preparing a bike, is a more general concept. As such, it is more stable and more reusable. We trust that the Mechanic class itself knows that, in order to prepare a trip, it must prepare a bike.

The impact of this subtle shift becomes more visible when we imagine that a trip has many different things that need to be prepared other than getting bikes ready. Code quickly becomes messy if we have to send specific "you prepare this, and you prepare that" messages to all the different classes that help us get ready for a trip. Much better if we can just send each class the same prepare_trip message and the classes themselves know what to do.

Using Messages to Discover Objects #

The sequence diagrams should be understood as lightweight, temporary, throw-away tools that help us discover which objects our application needs. We do this by examining what types of messages are reasonable to send and then carefully scrutizing what sort of object should be responsible for receiving that message.

This view of putting messages first is incredibly helpful. Focusing too much on the existing objects makes it tempting to just shove messages into whatever objects are already there. Focusing instead of the messages we want to send allows us to create the right class, with the right single responsibility, for handling that message.

Writing Code That Puts Its Best Interface Forward #

In this section, the author shares useful rules of thumb for creating good public interfaces. In any way, you should always think carefully about your interfaces, as they control more than anything else how your codebase will evolve.

Create Explicit Interfaces #

Python has no explicit concept of private versus public methods, but convention says that methods prefixed with _ should be considered private and not be depended upon.

The public methods are those that you want other classes to call and depend on. Therefore, they should be:

Honor the Public Interfaces of Others #

Basically, avoid as much as possible depending on private methods of other classes! In some languages this isn't an option, but Python of course does not prevent you from calling a method just because it was prefixed with the underscore.

Still, all sorts of alarm bells should be going off in your head if you ever feel tempted to invoke such a "private" method. The person who wrote that class's interface decided to mark that method as private for a reason: It is considered an internal detail of the class, subject to change at a whim, with no promises made to preserve the private method.

Chances are, when you find yourself calling a private method, that you're telling a class how to do something rather than asking it for what you want done. Rethink your design!

If you are convinced that it absolutely cannot be avoided to call a private method, isolate this dangerous dependency from the rest of your code base so that the private method is referenced from only one place, instead of all over your application.

Minimize Context #

As discussed above, a class's context is the set of other classes and things that are required to be in place before a class can actually do its job. Smaller is better. In terms of a public interface, then, this means providing public methods that allows senders to get what they want without having to spell out the steps needed to get there.

Basically, if you don't want your class to be micro-managed by other classes, it is your job to provide methods that represent high-level results instead of low-level actions.

If you have to use someone else's class with a poor public interface, you should also consider putting in the work to wrap the bad interface into a class or method that provides a better interface.

The Law of Demeter #

I have talked about this before on this site so I won't go into too much detail again. I like the author's nuanced approach to the law so I will comment on that a bit.

The Law of Demeter, in short, says to avoid train wrecks of long chains of methods. But there are subtleties to conisder.

Consequences of Violations #

Whenever someone states that there's a law you shouldn't violate, a natural question to arise is: "Or else?".

There's a few different types of message chains, and the law's importance depends on that type.

Avoiding Violations #

Sometimes when the Law of Demeter is discussed, delegation is sold as the way to avoid the violation:

class A:
	def get_something(self):
		return some_object
class B:
	def do_something(self):
# Some code:
A().get_something().do_something() # Law of Demeter violation

The idea of delegation is that we move the message chain into the classes:

class A:
	def get_something(self):
		return some_object
	def do_something(self):
		return self.get_something().do_something()
class B:
	# unchanged
# Some code:
A().do_something() # Hah! No Law of Demeter violation!

At times, this can be the appropriate course of action, but pay attention! You might still be violating the law in spirit if not in letter. Thinking back to our discussion about messages and their appropriate senders and receivers, does it make sense for A to receive this particular do_something message?

Listening to Demeter #

What the Law of Demeter really wants to tell us is that we are either missing objects, or methods, that would allow our objects to communicate in a more useful way! According to the author, these train wrecks happen if we focus too much on the objects we already have: This leads us to chain method calls together to assemble some desired behavior. If instead we focus on the messages that we should be sending, we will discover which objects need to receive them:

In the preceding examples, we discussed why it's bad if one class tells another class in too much detail exactly what to do. Even worse, then, is if we have one class that tells another class to tell another class exactly what to do.